Saturday, September 5, 2009

3 days off....

I didn't plan this but here I am; less than 2 weeks away from cross season, and I've taken 3 days off after killing myself for 2 weeks. My rt knee is bothering me a bit so I just decided to work on the bike and rest it. Tomorrow I'll take an easy ride, then 2 more interval/plyo sessions, several days of cross only rides, an interval session top wake up the legs and then it's 2 races, back to back. Top 1/2 finishes are what I'm shooting for this yr. Made it 2x last yr. One can hope, can't I?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been riding pretty hard, and could use the three days off (Along w/your knee).

Glad the Livestrong challenge went well!

NVdK said...

Now it's 4 days. Labor day will be a long, easy ride. I'll see how it feels then. Advil is helping but not much. I seriously hope this goes away. Soon.

FishrCutB8 said...

Don't forget the great mystery of cycling: Resy makes you stronger.

NVdK said...

Resty no easy! Anywho. I'll just take it easy this week then swing back into some harder efforts the following week before my races so that on race day they aren't saying "OMGWTF are you trying to kill us?"

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